Your journey to confident parenting starts today

Educating, equipping and encouraging

parents of children ages 4-12 with ADHD

& parents living with ADHD

to find more calm & connection.

Happy Family Hugging

Does Your Child Struggle With...

Emotional Regulation?

Desperate Screaming Young Boy

Social Skills?

Children Playing With Balloons on Green Grass Field

Executive Functioning?

Mathematics Homework Concept

Parent Coaching Can Help!

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends parent training as a key component of treating childhood ADHD.

ADHD Parent Coaching provides families with the tools to develop their child’s life skills and implement strategies to overcome the unique challenges of ADHD, including difficult behaviors and low self-esteem.

The only requirement? A commitment to change your family’s story!

Together we can build a PERSONALIZED plan so YOU, the expert on your unique ADHD child, can guide your family to calmer, more connected relationships and empower your child to navigate their behaviors and emotions for success.

Virtual 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions COMING SOON! Be the first to know as soon as scheduling is available.

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You Are Not Alone

On This Journey

When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, I felt incredibly alone. I felt like the only one struggling, lost on how to help my child. Our home was chaotic and I was barely surviving. Can you relate?

I began my journey to deeply understand ADHD and the unique strategies that work with the ADHD brain. Soon, I realized changes in myself, my parenting style, and my child’s environment were eliciting transformation!

No doubt, the journey of raising a neurodivergent child can be exhausting. My mission is to educate, equip, encourage and empower you on a positive path forward.

As someone who has been in your shoes, I’m here to tell you: There is hope! You, too, can find a more harmonious home and see positive changes in your child.

The Work You Are Doing Matters...

Parents deserve resources and support. This job matters more than any other job in the world. It determines the next generation and how they feel about themselves.

Start NOW to build a stronger foundation of

emotional intelligence with my FREE guide to understanding emotions. With practical scripts and games to help you and your child “Name It and Tame It”, you will be on your way to greater emotional regulation!

...And You Matter

One out of 4 kids with ADHD also have a parent with ADHD, many of who are undiagnosed or who get a diagnosis after or at the same time as their child.

With or without children, many adults with ADHD face challenges with everyday tasks, whether its getting things accomplished, self care, home management, regulating emotions, or burnout and overwhelm.

Find your personal rhythm as an adult with ADHD with coaching sessions focused on YOU. Gain insight into how ADHD manifests in your life and find the tools and support you need.

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Disclaimer: The content on Website is not to be considered medical advice for any reason, and nothing herein is intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment.

©Pressley ADHD Coaching 2023.